相片取自于 telegraph.co.uk
貞操大拍賣?? 當一聽見這個新聞的時候真的嚇了一跳,小澤是在 Menteil's blog's post讀到的. 怎麽會有人把自己純潔的貞操拿來賣呢?有的,在世界就有一位女生這麽做,她的名字叫Natalie Dylan
Natalie Dylan: Trading Virginity for College
January 15, 2009 02:27 PM ET | Kimberly Palmer | Permanent Link | Print
Natalie Dylan, 22, has decided to auction off her virginity to the highest bidder in order to raise money to send herself to graduate school. So far, the bidding is up to $3.7 million. Putting aside the health, ethical, and legal issues, is this a smart money move?
The cons: For many people, prostitution is something they would never, ever consider. For those people, this topic isn't even worth discussing. Plus, there are a multitude of student aid options that do not involve selling one's body. (How about a Stafford loan?)
The pros: She's raising money for a worthy cause -- school -- which will increase her future earning power. Plus, she's getting so famous through this auction that she could land a lucrative book deal, too. After all, the original Washingtonienne, Jessica Cutler, got a book deal and an HBO series out of her escapades.
In fact, radio host Laura Ingraham suggested that perhaps Dylan won't even go through with the money-for-sex exchange, and will instead use the attention she's getting to generate cash through appearances and, of course, a book deal.
But one can't help but wonder if Dylan will regret such fame in 20 years.
新聞來自 US news.com
怎麽也預料不到這樣的事,對嗎?一個對於女生多麽重要的東東(貞操)竟然可以拿來換錢給自己學費。在馬來西亞的學生們,你們多幸福,因爲你們什麽都不用變賣就能繼續升學了,因爲這裡有足夠的獎學金~ 可是,她這麽一賣就叫价二百六十萬英鎊(大概是一千三百多萬馬幣)... 可否心動呢?

Natalie Dylan的相片,取自The Hollywood Gossip
"It's shocking that men will pay so much for someone's virginity, which isn't even prized so highly anymore," she told the paper.
"I know that a lot of people will condemn me for this because it's so taboo but I really don't have a problem with that," Dylan told the Daily Telegraph.

Natalie Dylan的相片, 取自The Hollywood Gossip
其實要籌錢讀書有許多方法,而且她已經擁有學士文憑,要找工作並不難,可以先存錢再讀書,或者半工半讀~ 可是她選擇最快的方法。小澤只可以說這是最快的方法但是一點也不簡單,畢竟在全世界人眼前刊登販賣/投標自己的貞操的啓事不是個容易決定的抉擇。她首先要面對家人,親戚朋友,面對他們的目光,也許他們還會指指點點的背後說這些那些的(說不停~)...
在她面對媒體時提到,她的妹妹因爲她的學士學費,曾經在妓院上班了三個星期,所以對她來説這是無可奈何的選擇~ 希望她真的能完成她要完成的學業,將來貢獻社會咯~
"在我們做的事裏是沒有對和錯,只有值得與不值得而已" - 小澤 (23.01.2009)
1. Pelajar lelong dara ada kekasih (Malay Language)
2. Pelelong dara dapat tawaran berlakon (Malay Language)
3. Natalie Dylan from The Hollywood Gossip
4. Natalie Dylan Virgin Auction Photos
5. Natalie Dylan Selling Her Virginity
6. Meet Natalie Dylan...
7. Natalie Dylan: Trading Virginity for College
8. Virginity Auctioned Online
9. Natalie Dylan
10. HOLLYWOOD bosses want to turn virginity auction girl Natalie Dylan's sex sale story into a film.
11. Student Natalie Dylan from San Diego auctions her virginity, reportedly got bids up to $3.7 million

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